Sure Jell Recipes – If you are looking for a perfect method to preserve the excellent taste of strawberries throughout the year, you can try making fresh homemade Sure Jell strawberry jam. Sure Jell Recipes are fantastic to try if you are starting your food preservation journey. Let’s discuss the easy steps of making strawberry jam with Sure Jell.
What Is Sure Jell?
The Sure Jell is a pectin used to thicken jellies and jams. Though pectin is a thickener that occurs naturally in fruits, using Sure Jell while preparing jellies and jams can quickly reduce the time required to get a proper set.
Moreover, you must use sugar as it will help the jam set. Your jam will become runny if you don’t use sugar and pectin. However, if you are worried about using that much sugar, you must know that Sure Jell also makes a low or no-sugar fruit pectin. To learn about one of the best Sure Jell recipes, keep reading!

To execute one of the best Sure Jell recipes, you will require the following ingredients:-
Canning Supplies
- Jelly jars, rings, and lids
- Funnel
- Magnetic lid lifter
- Water bath
Fresh Ingredients
- Sure Jell
- Fresh strawberries 5 cups, crushed (you can get 4 pints of fresh ripe strawberries to make 5 cups of crushed strawberries).
- 7 cups of sugar
- 1 tsp butter
Sure Jell Recipe Execution
Here is the step-by-step guide to one of the best Sure Jell Recipes strawberry jam:-
Step 1: First, gather all your canning supplies; this will make the jam-making process a smooth experience for you.
Step 2: Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Fahrenheit and put the opened sterile jars in the oven.
Step 3: Keep the 8 lids in a small pan on low. Ensure that the lids are completely dipped in water.
Step 4: Prepare the strawberries. First, wash and cap them carefully. You may use a small paring knife or a strawberry huller for this step.
Step 5: After the strawberries are capped, crush them. You may use a potato masher or a food processor to prepare the strawberries fast.
Step 6: Put all your crushed strawberries into an 8-quart pot. Next, add the butter and a box of Sure Jell.
Step 7: Mix all these ingredients and bring the mixture back to a rolling boil over medium heat, stirring continuously.
Step 8: When the mixture is boiling, add sugar and take a rolling boil. After that, boil it for 1 minute while stirring continuously.
Step 9: After boiling the mixture for almost 1 minute, put the jam into the jars. Using a canning funnel and ladle is better to minimize the mess.
Step 10: Afterwards wipe off the tops of the jars carefully. If you leave any blobs of jam on the rim of the jars, it may prevent the jars from sealing properly.
Step 11: Properly place the rings and lids and set them aside to seal.
Step 12: To seal the jam properly, you can pour the hot jam into the hot jars. However, if you wish to process them, it will need only 10 minutes in a water bath.
Useful Tips for Sure Jell Recipe
To execute the Sure Jell Recipes well, you must know these tips:-
- You must sterilize the jars the night before.
- Have all the canning supplies, such as jars, lids, rings, a magnetic lid lifter, a funnel, and a water bath canner.
- You can use a food processor to crush the strawberries.
- Once the jars are set aside to seal, you must not push on the lids because it might create a false seal.
Other Important Things to Know
From the preparation, cooking, and difficulty level of Sure Jell Recipes to the jam storage tips, you must know these important points:-
- Preparation Time: 30 minutes
- Cooking Time: 20 minutes
- Total Time: 50 min
- Difficulty: Medium
- Storage: The sealed strawberry jam jar made by Sure Jell usually lasts a year on the shelf. However, after opening it, the jam must be kept in the refrigerator so that it will last for almost three weeks.
The Bottom Line!
We have shared one of the most loved Sure Jell Recipes you must try. Your kids and guests will surely love this sweet and tasty strawberry jam all year round.
Q. What is Sure Jell usually used for?
Ans. The Sure Jell contains fruit pectin; it is generally used for making jams & jellies.
Q. What container should I use to store my Sure Jell Strawberry Jam?
Ans. You can use a glass jar container with an airtight lid.
Q. How long can I use my freezer jam?
Ans. If you keep your Sure Jell strawberry jam in the freezer in an airtight container, it can be used for up to 12 months.